Cheri Cage
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Cheri Cage
Awards Coordinator, Company Designated Trainer, Owner, Referral Coordinator, Relocation Coordinator, Sales Associate
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- Phone: (708) 254-1047
I am a professional, full-time Realtor with over 25 years of Real Estate Experience! I am a Graduate of Loyola University Chicago and members of The National Association of Realtors (NAR) and The Illinois Association of Realtors (IAR). I work very hard to provide exceptional service. My expertise consists of seller listings, buyer representation, investors, short sales, foreclosures, new construction, relocation, and vacation properties. I love volunteering in my community--- I am currently a Queen of the Rosary School Board Member and Junior High Girls Basketball Coach. I welcome the opportunity to be of help to you- please reach out to me via text, email or phone!
I am a professional, full-time Realtor with over 25 years of Real Estate Experience! I am a Graduate of Loyola University Chicago and members of The National Association of Realtors (NAR) and The Illinois Association of Realtors (IAR). I work very hard to provide exceptional service. My expertise consists of seller listings, buyer representation, investors, short sales, foreclosures, new construction, relocation, and vacation properties. I love volunteering in my community--- I am currently a Queen of the Rosary School Board Member and Junior High Girls Basketball Coach. I welcome the opportunity to be of help to you- please reach out to me via text, email or phone!
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices American Heritage Real Estate, LIC# 475.144525, 1010 Rohlwing Road, Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007, (866) 968-7723,